Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v2.10 – New MTK chips and UFS storage
As ordinary, unique functions and methods released
NewChip: Helio G90T (Formely MT6785) supported (UFS / eMMC)
NewChip: MT6731 supported (eMMC / NAND)
NewChip: Helio A20 (Formely MT6761 low-cost revision) supported
NewChip: Helio P90 (Formely MT6779) support under test (UFS / eMMC)
BugFix : MT6595/MT6597 BROM support broken, fixed (Agent 17xx-19xx)
New Feature : UFS FlashIC support
!* Support flashing Factory / Infinity FW
!* Support MemoryTool
!* Support Factory Firmware reading
!* Support Service operations
!* SOC’s on market, support UFS chips right now : G90, P70, P90
Changed : Repair security procedure updated (Flash and Meta mode)
Changed : SPUnlock procedure updated (Flash and Meta mode)
Changed : Identify procedure updated
Changed : Format FS / Reset FRP now support UFS flash too
New Feature : Modem Re-Init (NVfix)
!* Useful after FixBB, in case of modem subsystem alive
Firmware Reader
New Feature : UFS flash support
New Feature : Combo scatter creation for newest chipset
!* Produced scatter MAY NOT work with OLDER SPFT (factory flasher) below 19xx versions!
!* Produced scatter is 100% like factory ones
Changed : Improved structure identification
Changed : Support more different types
Changed : NAND support revised
Changed : LEGACY line support revised
Changed : Platform and version depend scatter creation for better compatibility with SPFT
Changed : LEGACY line with Android 9 (MT6580 and similar) specific changes
New Feature : UFS flash support
!* Support Read , Write , Erase partitions
!* Support RePartition
!* Support Preloader init
!* Support Change Work mode (ADR / PRT)
!* Change storage settings useless, all flash content mapped in single mode
Changed : Structure identification
Changed : Automatic files selection at folder change
New Feature : Support COMBO scatter’s (
!* Automatic selection depend on device Flash (UFS/EMMC/NAND)
!* Storage selection done automatic according detected, for end-user all selection and rest settings remain same as before
New Feature : Support MTK chips with UFS FlashIC flashing
!* All features (Erase / Verify / PMT upgrade / Backup / HW Compatibility) work for devices with UFS as well
Changed : Scatter tab changes, specific to multi-storage selection and settings
Meta protocol functions updated
Changed : Updated security detection feature
BugFix : Updated structure verification
BugFix : A lot of minor changes and bugfixes applied
Changed: Many internal changes to improve compatibility with other applications, antiviruses and similar software.
Changed: Software load/operation speed improvements implemented
Password for files: 12345678
Infinity CM2 Setup Download
Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 SPD/UniSOC v2.05 – NAND, KaiOs and new features
As ordinary, unique functions and methods released
NewChip : SC7731E with NAND ( KaiOS and MocorDroid5 )
NewChip : SC7715x with NAND ( KaiOS , MocorDroid5 , Android 4x)
NewChip : SC9820x with NAND ( MocorDroid5 , Android 4x)
Protocol : Speed increased for most operations ( SPD and UniSOC )
Protocol : Protocol changes according SPD/UniSOC R23 line
New Feature : NAND support ( SPD and UniSOC generation )
!* Support flashing Factory / InfinityFW
!* Support correct flash selection and servicing phones with NAND
!* Support InfinityFW reading ( Complete, Factory-Like )
!* Support Service operations
Changed : Repair security procedure updated (Flash and Diag mode)
Changed : Identify procedure updated
!* Support complete and fast NAND devices identification
!* Support complete simlock info structure identify and verify
!* Support multi-nv structure detection and security info detection
!* Database update / self-learning updated
!* FileSystem identification support UBIFS and F2FS detection
Changed : Format FS / Reset FRP procedure updated
Firmware Reader
New Feature : NAND support
!* Support old and new generations ( SPD and UniSOC )
!* Support plain Android , KaiOs and MocorDroid5 OS
!* Automatic and correct FileSystem creation for NAND devices
!* Support all security types, include UniSoc secure/signed
!* Produced FW is 100% like factory one
Changed : FileSystem creation engine updated ( UBIFS support , bugfixes )
Changed : Improved structure identification
Changed : Support more different types
Changed : Old SPD line support rebuild ( SC7715,SC7731,SC983x,SC9820x )
Changed : Fixed FW creation in full manual / skip verify mode settings
New Feature : Complete flash erase ( whole flash format ) during flashing ( eMMC / NAND )
New Feature : Correct NAND flashing support ( SPD and UniSOC ) ( Factory PAC and InfinityFW )
Changed : Flashing core for InfinityFW more stable
Loader Database
NewChip : SC7715 BASE NAND revisions included
NewChip : SC9820 BASE NAND revisions included
NewChip : SC7731E BASE NAND revisions included
NewChip : SC7731E BASE eMMC LOW_MEM revisions included ( cheap A8-A9 devices )
NewChip : SC7731x BASE eMMC LOW_MEM revisions included ( old A4-A5 GEA devices )
Changed : Manual mode : automatic structure and setting detection in manual mode
Changed : Automatic base settings selection for BASE loaders ( Protocol, Charging, FlashSettings )
Changed : Separate NAND mode option activated in platform settings for manual mode
BugFix : Lot of minor changes and bugfixes
Changed : Software compatibility with other applications improved
Password for files: 12345678
Infinity CM2 Setup Download
Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.29 – MTK Nokia Firmware Reader/Maker and more
– MTKx Flash Engine updated
Automatic “Repair Mode” enable, if device have damaged ROM
Infinity ( Factory-Like ) FW flashing support
– xCNT tool updated
MediaTek tab activated
Allow make firmware for MTK phones from read dump
Supported lines:
Nokia 108: RM-944, RM-945, RM-1124
Nokia 220: RM-969, RM-970, RM-971, RM-1125
Nokia 225: RM-1011, RM-1012, RM-1043
Nokia 130: RM-1035, RM-1036, RM-1037, RM-1122
Nokia 215: RM-1110, RM-1111, RM-1112
Nokia 105: RM-1133, RM-1134, RM-1135
Nokia 222: RM-1136, RM-1137
Nokia 230: RM-1172, RM-1173
Nokia 216: RM-1187, RM-1188
Nokia 150: RM-1189, RM-1190
Result FW is like factory one, which contain all need part to complete reflash or langpack change.
Older models below Nokia 105 are supported as backward compatibility. Almost not required to use.
Main use:
1. Make firmwares for HMD phones which are NOT available YET!
2. MTKx Legacy/HMD models problem solution: read FW from HMD devices (sw11 and newer)
Optional use: Make firmwares with required LANGPACK which are NOT available YET!
– Service operations revised
MTKx: FlahIC detection on flash read improved for some devices
MTKx: Dump reading more faster now
NXP: HW revision verification has made problems for some rare X+ and XL+ models, fixed
– Other
Some bugfixes and improvements at all
MTKx Legacy/HMD models:
Those phones may have 2 version of firmware (old and new sec)
Nokia 150 (it has legacy and hmd version)
Nokia 105, Nokia 130, Nokia 216, Nokia 222, Nokia 230: probably two versions are available
CS problem after flashing may be a result of flashing different version. Just reflash to another one ( SW10: LEGACY, SW11 and newer: HMD )
MS will CLOSE WHOLE Windows Mobile support at June 2017.
What will be with servers with firmwares – no one knows, but MS politic is simple – close and forget!
If you have chance, free drive space and good inet: DOWNLOAD ALL NEED FIRMWARES!
There will be NO newer versions anymore other than existing ones.
Password for files: 12345678
Infinity CM2 Setup Download
Infinity-Box [BEST] NK2 v1.20 – 220.4G, 2.3
As ordinary, unique result of silent work is here.
HMD Nk 220 4G (2019)
Nk 220 4G – TA-1148, TA-1155, TA-1171
– Identify, check securiy
– Reset Settings/Format FS
– Read UserCode
– Backup security
HMD Nk 2.3 Ironman
Nk 2.3 – TA-1206, TA-1209, TA-1211, TA-1214
– Identify
– Flash Firmware
– Reset Settings/Format FS
– Reset FRP
– Base
Loader database updated
ModelFinder updated
Bugfixes and minor changes
Flash Engine updated
Updated loader database
Nk 2.3 support activated in standalone mode
SVC engine updated
Nk 220 4G support activated ( partial )
UserCode reading revised
Identify revised
Support area:
– New firmwares for supported models can be found at support area
– New drivers for 105/110/220 can be found at support area
Password for files: 12345678
Infinity CM2 Setup Download
Infinity Chinese Miracle II SCR/SPD-RDA v1.06 – New models and features
As ordinary, Infintiy Team continue to release unique and world-first software features, algorithms and methods.
Supported CPU list:
Spreadtrum: SC6530, SC6531, SC6531(A/C/D)
SpreadTrum: SC68xx ( with external PAC )
SpreadTrum: SC7702 ( with external PAC )
UniSoc: SC6531E, SC6533, SC6533G, SC7702
RDA Mirco: RDA8851 rev A,B,C,L,CL
RDA Micro: RDA8826
NewChip: Support UNISOC 8910 (FLASH) under test
NewChip: Support IVY IoT (FLASH/SVC) under test
Changed: UpToDate Protocol changes for latest FP platforms ( UniSoc )
BugFix: Connection on SPRD tab
BugFix: BOOTROM mode on latest SC6533G branches
Support UNISOC 8910DM / UIS8910 chipset ( SVC mode )
– Identify ( Security info, compilation info, modem info , APinfo )
– Format FS / Reset Settings
– Read UserCode / PrivacyCode
– Repair Security
!* Generic types only
New Feature: SVC ( Diag ) mode support for SPRD / UniSoc
– Identify ( Security info, compilation info, modem info )
– Format FS / Reset Settings
– Read UserCode / PrivacyCode
– Repair Security
!* Generic types only
BugFix: Security repair not allow use some “non-standard” combinations ( RDA / SPRD / UniSoc )
Changed: CompileInfo extraction improved ( RDA / SPRD / UniSoc )
Changed: GUI revised for repair part ( CS info, Automatic complete at double click for security fields )
BugFix: Security code read in FlashMode revised ( SPRD )
BugFix: Lot of small different changes and fixes
Password for files: 12345678
Infinity CM2 Setup Download
What is Infinity-Box / Dongle
Infinity-Box Dongle contains the following software, hardware and support:
- Software for GSM and CDMA models, see listof supported models *
- World-famous “Chinese Miracle” software for MTK / MediaTek, etc.
- World-famous “Chinese Miracle-2” software for MTK / MediaTek, SPD / Spreadtrum, RDA / Coolsand, etc.
- Protection Smart-Card
- USB Smart-Card reader
- Support area access (software, flash files, drivers, manuals, updates, bug-fixes, etc.)
- Smart-Card upgrade server access
- Support via e-mail
- Support forum access
Note! After 1 year it is necessary to renew access by means of activation.
Before using the box, please read the following instructions.
Infinity-Box Dongle – Features:
- Well known GSM and CDMA brands / models supported
- “Chinese Miracle” MTK based brands / models supported
- Standalone software (no Internet connection required)
- SP-decode: remove / clear network, provider locks
- Set network, provider locks
- Read codes
- Flash read / write (high speed)
- Write any part of Flash separately (firmware, customization, flex, map, file system (FFS), language pack)
- Upgrade / downgrade firmware
- Repair damaged IMEI
- Remove / clear / read user / phone lock code
- Reset to default / factory settings
- Repair dead phones
- Read Flash / EEPROM area backup
- Repair software-related problems
- Read codes: network, provider codes, user / phone code
- Empty board flashing (for example, after flash chip replacement)
- Format file system
- SCAT files read / write
- Create security zone backup during critical operations
- “Smart write” option, together with high-speed option flashing speed may be extremely high
- Detect keyboard codes by flash file (“Keyboard codes detector”)
- Save operation process results in a Log file
- Big flash files database for all World regions
- Compact flash / EEPROM files format: flash / backup files internally packed and unpacked on the fly. That way you can save up to 50% of your Internet traffic (download small files from support area) and save a lot of disk space on your HDD
- Counter for decode / flash / other operations
- Easy to use brand / model selection via “Shell”
- Easy access to cables / pinouts information via “Cable selector”
- Easy access to support area via automatic logon system and “Support manager”
- Huge flash files database: firmware, language pack, flex, map, repair EEPROM, FFS files, etc., more than 20,000 files for different models
- Documentation and manuals with step-by-step instructions
Note: To avoid any misunderstanding please check list of available functions for each supported model, different models have more or less functions, because of hardware / software limitations!
“Chinese Miracle” module for MTK-based models – Features:
- Automatic phone structure detection: this means that you can also service phones which is not shown in supported models list. Just find a pinout and make sure that your phone is based on MT62xx CPU and you will be able to flash / decode / repair this phone.
- Repair dual-SIM (dual-CPU) models: work with Rx_A/Tx_A, Rx_B/Tx_B pinouts to repair firmware for both CPU
- Repair IMEI for single-SIM and dual-SIM models with different methods (MT6205, MT6223 dual configurations supported too)
- Repair IMEI for single SIM/CPU models
- Repair master IMEI (SIM-1) for dual-SIM (dual CPU) models
- Repair slave IMEI (SIM-2) for dual-SIM (dual CPU) models
- Repair master IMEI (SIM-1) for dual-SIM (single CPU) models
- Repair slave IMEI (SIM-2) for dual-SIM (single CPU) models
- Repair slave IMEI (SIM-3) for triple-SIM models
- Automatic memory size detection
- Direct SP-decode phones with unknown firmware (auto-detection algorithm)
- Decode user locked phones with unknown firmware (auto-detection algorithm)
- Format file system: auto-detect FFS structure and size, backup FFS before format
- Reset to defaults phones with unknown firmware (auto-detection algorithm)
- Write / Read Flash for phones with unknown structure (auto-detection algorithm)
- Write / Read EEPROM for phones with unknown structure (auto-detection algorithm)
- Firmware version auto-detect
- Automatic firmware version detection and save original firmware version information in Log file during flash / format
- Language list auto-detect
- Repair “Power-On problem” for MT6205, MT6208, MT6217, MT6218, MT6219, MT6223, MT6225, MT6226, MT6227, MT6228, MT6229, MT6230, MT6235, MT6238, MT6239, MT6253, MT6268 CPU based models after full flash without backup, erased flash, etc.
- Repair / recalculate security area (five different security area types supported) to repair dead phones based on MT6223, MT6225, MT6226, MT6227, MT6228, MT6229, MT6230, MT6235, MT6238, MT6239, MT6253, MT6268 CPU
- Upgrade / downgrade phone firmware
- Remove / clear network, provider locks
- Read codes: network, provider codes, user / phone code
- Reset phone settings to defaults (factory state)
- Empty board flashing (for example, after flash chip replacement)
- Create security zone backup during critical operations
- Repair software-related problems
- Repair dead phones
- “Flash File Manager”: easy access to firmware information such as internal firmware name, language names, keyboard codes
- Touchscreen calibration (repair phones with damaged touchscreen)
- Repair “No licensed to produce” fault
- Repair “Bad Software” fault (latest MT6223, MT6225, MT6226, MT6227 based models)
- Repair “Code CRC Check Error” fault
- Detect language names inside flash file
- Detect keyboard codes inside flash file (for service menu, etc.)
- Detect firmware version by flash file
- Detect existing languages by flash file
- Detect keyboard codes by flash file (“Keyboard codes detector”)
- Batch flash file rename, version detection, language detection, name conversion
- Save operation process results in Log file
- Huge and almost complete flash files database: firmware, repair EEPROM, FFS files, etc.
- Estimated remaining flash read / write time indication
- Documentation and manuals with step-by-step instructions
List of available options for several supported models.
* Developer provides support only for those phones which are on the list of supported. Not all servicing features can be applied to some supported models, due to difference of hardware / software versions. Complete list of supported models you can find on the official product page, or on the GSM forum.
How to Download:
– Download Infinity Box/Dongle Setup
– Connect Infinity Box/Dongle to PC.
– Run Infinity Software.
– Enjoy!
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